Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Study: How many dates before sex?

Ashley Wells, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Kelly Bourdet, Refinery29 (Shine.Yahoo, 9-13-13)
Look, you're a nice girl and all, but I just want to wait and get to know you a little better.
Conservative mystery date (TMW)
A study...from Business Insider and Survey Monkey delves deep into the ever-changing connection between sex and love in America. 
And while this is by no means an academic study, it does offer some interesting insights into our romantic lives.

Let's get sexually statistical (Business Insider)
How are we finding dates? No surprise, online dating is a growing means of meeting that special someone. How are we asking people out? Apparently, a text message dinner-and-drive-in invite is becoming increasingly prevalent. 

Nothing too crazy there, but the most interesting trends have to do with what we want (physically) out of our dating lives and when, exactly, we want it. More

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