Tuesday, October 15, 2013

World's oldest art made by women (video)

"Cave of Forgotten Dreams" in France contains art by female cavemen of the remote past.
New research suggests that many of the first artistic masters (as well as the majority of shamans, intuitives, and "medicine men") were women, not men.
Woman shaman (Elende)
(IFC Films) Documentary filmmaker Werner Herzog gains exclusive access to film inside the Chauvet caves of Southern France, capturing the oldest known pictorial creations of humankind -- now known to have been created mainly by females -- in their astonishing natural setting. This film follows an exclusive expedition into the nearly inaccessible Chauvet cave system, home to the most ancient visual art known to have been created by humans. It is an unforgettable cinematic experience that provides a unique glimpse of the pristine and "primitive" artwork dating back to human hands over 30,000 years ago -- almost twice as old as any previous discovery.
    Visionary Herzog
    (UC TV) One of the most distinctive filmmakers of our time, Herzog has been called the "romantic visionary" of the New German Cinema movement. His edgy, larger-than-life films fuse the epic with the intimate, redefining the scale and scope of filmmaking to include more than 60 works shot on every continent. He appears in conversation with acclaimed author and essayist Pico Iyer at UCSB.

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