Monday, November 18, 2013

Cleaning the Himalayas: Green Odyssey (film)

A chronicle of a spiritual journey and eco-compassion trek across the Himalayas to a glacial region devastated by global warming. U.N. honoree Gyalwang Drukpa leads the journey to trigger a green revolution. Opens Nov. 11/15, Laemmle's Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills.
"Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey" (trailer) directed by Wendy J.N. Lee, produced by Michelle Yeoh, narrated by Daryl Hannah. Premeires at the Awareness Fest 2013, Los Angeles
Pad Yatra: A Green Odyssey takes an environmentally-friendly adventure with 700 people trekking across the Himalayas with a call to save the planet's "third pole," a glacial region devastated by the climate chaos associated with global warming. Battling the most treacherous terrain on the planet, these trekkers spread their message of ecological compassion through a human's most basic means -- by walking on foot, cleaning from village to village, showing by example. Surviving harrowing injuries, illness, and starvation, they emerge with nearly half a ton of plastic litter strapped to their backs, triggering a historic "green revolution" across the rooftop of the world in Buddhist India's Himalayas.

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