Friday, November 22, 2013

Climate chaos in Warsaw, Poland (video)

Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly;, 19, 11-22-13
Flooding in Thailand was one dramatic byproduct of climate chaos (
Environmentalists walk out of U.N. talks
"Carbon trading" is a false solution!
WARSAW - Negotiations at the U.N. climate summit COP 19 have entered their final scheduled day. Deep divisions remain between rich and poorer nations. Negotiators from nearly 200 countries have been meeting for the past two weeks trying to lay the foundation for a new global climate treaty to be agreed on at talks scheduled for Paris in two years. Yesterday, more than 800 members of various environmental groups disgusted with the lack of progress staged an unprecedented walk out of the talks.
US says NO to reparations for damage
Questioned by Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman hours later, the U.S. special envoy for climate change and lead climate negotiator, Todd Stern, rejected calls for reparations to poor countries damaged by the carbon [methane, and other] emissions of the world’s biggest polluters.

Somalia3What is the state of the talks? Guests Martin Khor, executive director of the South Centre, and Nitin Sethi, senior assistant editor at The Hindu discuss it. Sethi was responsible for leaking U.S. briefing papers on the climate negotiations before the summit began, revealing how U.S. negotiators at the climate talks are opposing efforts to help developing countries adapt to climate change.

US: We're not paying them damages!
According to the internal memo, the U.S. delegation is worried the talks in Warsaw will "focus increasingly on blame and liability" and that poor nations will be "seeking redress for climate damages from sea level rise, droughts, powerful storms, and other adverse impacts." More

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