Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Where's Pussy Riot's Nadya?

CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; TheGuardian; Buzzfeed;
Pussy Riot member Nadya (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova) in defendant's cage during court appearance in April (Maksim Blinov/AFP/Getty Images)
Good, hope they burn her at the stake
(UPDATE: Nov. 4, 2013): The Russian prison service has announced through the Interfax News Agency (via The Guardian, 11-02-13) that Nadya (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova has been sent to another penal colony, although she has yet to be heard from or seen since the transfer more than ten days ago.
Power to the people (
The saga of all-female Russian punk band Pussy Riot has taken a chilling turn as the band member has been missing for the past 10 days, according to relatives.
Tolokonnikova’s disappearance can be traced back to when the 23-year-old musician was being transferred from a prison colony in Mordovia.
“There’s no proof she’s alive, we don’t know the state of her health,” Tolokonnikova’s father told Buzzfeed. “Is she sick? Has she been beaten?” More

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