Saturday, December 7, 2013

World travelers find beauty in Nepal (photos)

Adventure traveler Alex SaurelDhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Stupa, Buddhist reliquary, Himalaya, Nepal (Raimond Klavins/artmif/
Day 37: Alex self-portrait, Kolyma road, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia (AlexSaurel/
Children looking and laughing and asking for money "Baksheesh!" "Why?" I ask. They laugh again. Nepalis are very cool, friendly, and take things in stride.

It was Day 166 of my World Tour 2013-2014. I was in Kathmandu, Nepal, in the Bhaktapur neighborhood, one of the main tourist centers around the ancient city.

It is worth a visit. Since navigating south through the Tibetan border crossing, I have been amazed by the beauty of Nepali girls. So every opportunity I got became a good time to take a picture.
  • Lonely Planet guides: Against the high wall of the Himalaya, Nepal is a land of snow peaks and Sherpas, yaks and yetis, monasteries and mantras.
The Kumari Devi, living goddess, with redhead
The incredible thing -- and it may just be the result of being a man on a long journey -- is that an unattractive Nepali girl is extremely uncommon in the city. And it is non-existent in the villages.

Alas, after giving birth to their first child, most of them let themselves go and gain weight, as I remember happening in Cape Verde and Tahiti.

Durbar Square, Katmandu (Amazing Nepal)
Day 160 of the adventure, I crossed the Nepalese border via the Friendship Bridge. It crosses a major Himalayan river coming from Tibet, a gateway to the Himalayan range. The river of melting ice marks the border between the two countries.
Since I made an oath to travel progressively, I decided not to follow such a scenic journey by entering spectacular Kathmandu right away. I stopped over in the small village of Dhulikhel, from which I could easily explore traditional old town neighborhoods with traditional Newari architecture and meet local families.

Alex, let's walk to the Buddhist temple!
My new friend and her sister, standing in the background, and I visited a Buddhist temple, which meant a walk of considerable distance through the countryside. At the first sign of a little monsoon rain, they donned their veils. More
Tibetan Vajrayana novices undergoing monastic training (AlexSaurel/

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