Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shaw's "Major Barbara": why WAR? (audio)

Wisdom Quarterly; Los Angeles Theatre Works (latw.org)

"Major Barbara" Heir to the Undershaft arms dealing fortune? No, that is only fit for a foundling not a family member. George Bernard Shaw created a classic masterpiece surpassing "Pygmalion" ("My Fair Lady").

Special Radio Series: L.A. Theatre Works is proud to present the Relativity Series, an ongoing series featuring science-themed plays. The series currently includes 20 plays on topics from astronomy, physics, and cosmology to the mathematics of code-breaking, the ethics of scientific research, and the invention of television. Generously supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to enhance public understanding of science and technology, the Relativity Series presents science as a thoroughly human endeavor, bringing to life the people and stories behind the research and invention which shapes and changes our world.
Chris Hedges, Jill Stein... Calling all rebels: It's moral to revolt! (GreenPartyOC/KFPK)
FREE concerts in the park, Levitt Pavilion (levittla.org/levittla-pas.org)

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