Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Trump hates Muslims, but we love them

Associated Press (ap.org, May 8, 2017); Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Protesters hold signs and march in front of the State Capitol across the street from the US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., Monday, May 8, 2017. The court will examine a ruling that blocks the administration from temporarily barring new visas for citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen (AP).

Travel ban arguments focus on Trump's comments about Muslims
RICHMOND, Virginia - A challenge to Don Trump's revised travel ban appears to hinge on whether a federal appeals court agrees that the fascistic Republican's past anti-Muslim/Islam statements can be used against him.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals wrestled Monday with whether the court should look beyond the text of the executive order to comments made by Trump and his aides on the campaign trail and after his election in order to determine whether the policy illegally targets Muslims.

"That's the most important issue in the whole case," said Judge Robert King, who was appointed to the court by Pres. Bill Clinton. The panel of 13 judges peppered both sides with tough questions but gave few clues as to how they might rule. The judges did not immediately issue a decision on Monday.
A federal judge in Maryland who blocked the travel ban in March cited Trump's comments as evidence that the executive order is a realization of his repeated promise to bar Muslims from entering the country. More 

Buddhists support the new all-women's mosque opening in Los Angeles (latimes.com); In LA, women build a mosque (NPR); A women's mosque opens in Berkeley, only second in US
Radical Cleric vs. Trump (Jen Sorensen/jensorensen.com)

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