Monday, September 18, 2017

What it's like to land on the Moon (video)

Flat Out In Plane Site, Nov. 17, 2016; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

Undeniable proof US did not show its actual trip (or failed attempt) to reach the Moon
Speak, hear, see no...
In this exclusive: Footage of "astronauts" (astro-nots) is analyzed and refuted. What was shown to the world was an elaborate hoax. How exactly did they do this?
Even today, NASA continues to beat around the bush as to whether we have been to the Moon: It even has their astro-nots say how they can "only perform low-Earth orbit."
Spread the word. Why are we still being taught demonstrable nonsense in school? Check out a great YouTube channel called Jeranism, which is bringing more light to this subject. For example, did you know there are scuba divers in space?
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