Saturday, March 24, 2018

Shambhala Buddhism leader to visit Pasadena

Ananda M. (DMI), Seth Auberon (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly; (

Meditate at
The Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche of cultish "Shambhala Buddhism" is coming to Pasadena on Sunday, March 25th, as the Los Angeles leg of his tour:

Workshop and panel discussion with radical black Zen Reverend angel Kyodo williams and special guests exploring how "conversation can help us build bridges in these challenging times."
Am I enlightened or an egomaniac? You decide
He is the son of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the outed alcohol-guzzling sex guru (who as an adult married a rich, 16-year-old kid in England) in the documentary "Crazy Wisdom" (clips on YouTube).

Tickets from $300 down to $50 for the panel
His outrageous behavior as an abusive "enlightened" Tibetan man in the West (perhaps the source of part of the conversation in My Dinner With Andre) made him popular with U.S. hippies desperately looking for spirituality. He finally crashed a sports car, nearly killed someone, and crippled himself.

It worked for world-famous American Buddhist nun Pema Chodron and the Naropa Institute but few others. Tickets are not cheap. More

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