Monday, October 8, 2018

Indigenous Peoples Day 2018, Los Angeles

Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; RT; CBS Los Angeles, Oct. 8, 2018

LA celebrates first Indigenous Peoples Day
The Los Angeles City Council, heeding the direction of Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell, voted to replace the genocidal imperialist enslaver Cristobal Columbus Day with a holiday celebrating native populations last year. Chris Holmstrom reports.

(RT/Tyrel Ventura) Erased History of Native Americans before Europeans

Life Before Columbus
(Watching the Hawks RT #138) Real History of Thanksgiving and Black Lives Under Fire
On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace take a look at the media’s fear-mongering as the American holiday season ramps up at Halloween and Thanksgiving. Tabetha Wallace offers an exclusive look at The True Story Behind Thanksgiving. Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin sends the first ever re-usable rocket into orbit and back down to earth again. The team goes live to RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo for the latest on the video of the police shooting of Laquan McDonald in Chicago. [The killer cop has now been found guilty of murder, and is awaiting sentencing after his conviction on multiple charges along with six fellow officers who lied to shield their fellow murderer in blue from the law]. Anya Parampil offers us the latest from the shootings at the Black Lives Matter protests in Minneapolis. A Syrian refugee offers warm meals to feed the homeless in Berlin so as to give back to the people who accepted him into their country.

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