Monday, December 17, 2018

Early Buddhist photo art exhibit until Dec. 23; Dhr. Seven, Ananda M. (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Wisdom Quarterly

Prince Siddhartha Gautama
The Hsi Lai Temple art gallery houses a rich collection of Buddhist artifacts from around the world, along with Chinese art and temporary displays -- such as the current photography exhibit of Buddhist art from Northwestern India and modern Pakistan, an area once known as Gandhara, where the earliest and most famous images of the historical Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama, come from. In these he appears as a Central Asian king with Western and Eastern features, often wearing a toga in the ancient Greek style of Bactria in old "Shakya Land" (modern Afghanistan according to Dr. Ranajit Pal), mistakenly thought of as Kapilavastu, one of its seasonal capitals, Sogdia, and Indo-Sakastan. Saka=Shakya. Exhibition ends Sunday, 12/23/18. More

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