Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Slavery in America (video)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly;
Who says "Black History" is limited to month of February? It's all year.

Ex-Slaves talk about Slavery in the USA
Story by ABC News in 1999 about slavery as told by people who were slaves. Recorded in the 1900s.

Slavery did NOT end in 1865 (Here is PROOF)
Truth and Edutainment, Sept. 17, 2016. Join the discussion: Facebook.com/TruthandEdutainment 
25 SHOCKING Facts About Slave Trade
(List25, Oct. 20, 2017) Let's learn 25 shocking facts about the slave trade. Warning: These facts might be hard to deal with. We all know that world history involves race-based slavery. Whether it’s ancient or modern civilization, each is guilty of forcing other human beings into forced servitude as more affluent and well-to-do humans take advantage. This is a tough subject with photo credits and sources. What are your thoughts about slavery? list25.com/25-shocking-facts-a...

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