Monday, March 18, 2019

Year since police killed Stephon Clark

Associated Press, March 19, 2019; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
Al Sharpton Stevante Clark, Sequitta Thompson, SeQuette Clark
Sequitta Thompson, second from left, is the grandmother victim of police who shot Stephon Clark to death. She calls for justice for her grandson during a news conference at the Capitol on March 18, 2019, in Sacramento, CA. Monday marks a year since two Sacramento cops killed Clark, 22, in Thompson's backyard as they responded to vandalism reports. Thompson was joined by Clark's brother, Stevante, left, Rev. Al Sharpton, third from left, and Clark's mother, SeQuette Clark, right.
Sharpton, family seek change a year after Stephon Clark shot to death by police
Benjamin Crump. Stevante Clark, Al SharptonSACRAMENTO, California - Standing beside the family of 22-year-old black man Stephon Clark, whom police shot to death a year ago Monday.

The [Human Fire Extinguisher, sell out, and grand pacifier] Reverend Al Sharpton called for California to make it easier to prosecute officers who kill civilians and to require that all cases go before a grand jury.
  • [There has to be a better way than Al Sharpton. And fortunately there is. This sell out is only trotted out to serve the status quo by pretending to oppose it in a "controlled opposition" sort of way, a moral outrage by a reverend dismissed and hated by a large part of the black community. As soon as he enters the picture, one knows something foul is afoot.]
"The legacy is we're going to pass legislation in Stephon's name, the legacy is that we won't stop fighting for justice in Stephon's name," Sharpton said, referring to Stephon Clark. "You might have killed him a year ago, but you can't kill a movement.

"Sharpton spoke on the steps of the Capitol alongside Clark's brother, mother, and grandmother, as well family attorney Ben Crump, who is known for representing the families of young black men killed by police.

I pledge to do nothing about this tragedy!
Demonstrators chanted "Stephon Clark didn't have to die" as more than 200 people marched peacefully through Sacramento on Monday evening to mark the anniversary. Two Sacramento officers responding to calls of someone breaking car windows shot Clark a year ago in his grandparents' backyard. Local and state prosecutors announced earlier this month that they would not charge the officers because police thought Clark had a gun and feared for their lives. Clark was holding only a cellphone.

Stephon Clark, image used for the poster
His death prompted intense protests in the capital city last year, with marchers shutting down a highway ramp and blocking fans from entering the downtown arena where the Sacramento Kings play. It also drew the attention of Sharpton and Crump, who represented the family of Trayvon Martin.

Now Sharpton, Crump and the family are calling for sweeping changes to California laws dealing with police shootings. They're backing legislation by San Diego Assemblywoman Shirley Weber that would change the standard for when police can use deadly force. More

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