Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Julian Castro, Cory Booker, Tulsi Gabbard win!

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly (EDITORIAL); The New Yorker; Stephen Colbert

Latino Fmr. Housing Secretary Julian Castro
Watching the first Democratic debate, it was clear that there were only two humans on stage, Julian Castro and Amy Klobuchar, at ease, smiling, compassionate.

Former Housing Secretary Julian Castro did a great job. He was the breakaway winner of this silly distraction of a "horse race." Google searches for his name, it was said on NBC's coverage, shot up 24,000-fold or some similarly astronomical number.

Kind right wing Amy Klobuchar
These two debates are not about policy. They are about personality, humanity, and relate-ability. Julian Castro trounced poor, falling Beto O'Rourke, who seemed completely out of his element. He used to be such an inspiration, but not any more.

Sen. Cory Booker (NJ), smile. And calm down, calm way down. With eyes bugging and trying so hard not to screw it up, he did not make nearly as much progress in the polls as he might have. But he was center stage and tall and knowledgeable. 

We do not support Amy Klobuchar in any way, with her right wing leanings and semi-Republican ways, but at least she's human, appearing soft, yielding, passionate, and humble.

(Stephen Colbert) Soldier Tulsi Gabbard knows the real price of war

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker
Honorable mention can go to the first Hindu in Congress, Rep. (HI) Tulsi Gabbard, who claims to be the only anti-war candidate. But as a soldier who loves the military, Republicans are bound to like her better than Democrats.

Politically-aware comedian Jimmy Dore had good things to say about her for being vocal against war, military interventions, and the US being the world's police. Yet, she sounds like she would fully support the military-industrial complex itself.

I'm a young soldier first: Major Tulsi Gabbard
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA), yikes! Strident, pushy, aggressive, fighting mad, blathering, Bernie-esque, harsh, and did we mention strident? Who would vote for Hillary II? Why does the media keep promoting her and derailing other candidates?

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