Thursday, August 8, 2019

"Pedophile Epidemic" in the Boy Scouts 8/7/19; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Let's Scout, Butthead? - No way, Beavis!
A new lawsuit filed on Monday in Philadelphia by a group of lawyers against the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) claims the organization continues to hide a "pedophilia epidemic," NBC News reported.

The suit filed on behalf of a Pennsylvania man identified as "S.D." alleges he was assaulted hundreds of times over a period of four or five years starting when he was only 13-years-old by a homosexual rapist and scoutmaster at his troop in Pennsylvania in the 1970s.

The man alleges he had to endure "fondling, hundreds of incidents of oral sexual assault, and repeated attempts of anal penetration" at Camp Acahela, a Boy Scout retreat and at his abuser's home, the lawsuit states.

The abuse would not have been possible had it not been for the negligence of the BSA, the lawsuit alleges. The suit goes on to say the organization and other defendants engaged in "reckless conduct" by failing to protect the young boys being preyed upon within the organization's ranks. More

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