Friday, November 22, 2019

Watching Late Night TV (comedy)

Crystal Q., Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly  LATE NIGHT TV

Impeachment Hearings: All the President’s Men Colluded
(Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, TBS, Nov. 20, 2019) The impeachment hearings continued this past week with more witnesses, most notably the U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland, who gave damning testimony against Trump, Guiliani, and others. Will this be enough to shame Republicans? Hint: It won’t.

Bernie rallies, impeachment, innocent on Death Row

(Redacted Tonight #269, Nov. 22, 2019) Lee Camp goes over policy advances won by the left since the Occupy Movement shook the world. Popular activism has moved the dial on universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, environmental action, and more.

Deeper into the news he looks at the failed coup in Venezuela last weekend and an environmental stance taken by the European Investment Bank, which has decided to stop financing fossil fuel projects.

Naomi Karavani looks back at the role the U.S. torture training camp called the School of the Americas (SOA now called WHINSEC) has played in overthrowing democratic regimes in Latin America. Graduates of the school were central to the recent Bolivian coup, but their history is long and dark. Natalie McGill ends the show with a report on a database where the NYPD illegally kept hundreds of people's fingerprints.
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  • Jimmy Dore on KPFK:
Fifth Democratic debate in Atlanta

(The Daily Show, streamed live on Nov 20, 2019) Trevor Noah went LIVE after the Atlanta 2020 Democratic primary debate between Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, and Tom Steyer.

Sondland testifies: Pence, Pompeo, Perry, Mulvaney, Bolton, Giuliani, NSC... were "in the loop" on quid pro quo

Stephen Colbert's LIVE monologue after the 5th Democratic debate begins with a recap of the day's bombshell testimony from U.S. Ambassador Gordon Sondland in the House impeachment inquiry over the Ukraine quid quo pro.

Breakdown of 5th Democratic debate
(The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) Benighted birthday boy Joey Biden provided the day's first gaffe, and the Democratic debate hadn't even started yet! Watch Stephen Colbert's LIVE post-debate analysis to find out who had the best night at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta.

Trump screwed by witnesses

(Jimmy Kimmel Live!) It was the final day of public impeachment testimony in the House, Dr. Fiona Hill laid absolute waste to Trump and those doing his bidding, Jimmy Kimmel recaps the whole public trial in 2 minutes, and dummy Joe Biden doesn't do himself any favors during the 5th Democratic debate in Atlanta.

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