Sunday, December 15, 2019

Support Ajahn Brahm's mission

Ajahn Brahm (Buddhist Society of Western Australia,; Wisdom Quarterly

They call me the "Buddhist Seinfeld."
The Buddhist Society of Western Australia is serving the world inspirational Dharma teachings for FREE, with over 6 million teachings viewed via its YouTube channel, podcast, and website in 2017 -- over 6.6 million in 2018.

To keep serving quality Dharma teachings to the world for free, it needs the ongoing support of generous patrons to cover the costs of producing and distributing them so that they remain free and widely available across multiple online platforms. BSWA strives to make every donated dollar go as far as it can.

How can we afford to help more people?
Indeed, it costs less than $0.01 for each download when all its costs are divided by their total downloads. That means when anyone pledge $5 per month to the Buddhist Society of Western Australia, that is the same as offering 500 Dharma teachings to people around the world!

Become a BSWA patron to give the gift of Dharma to people around the world. Support BSWA making these types of teachings available for free online via:

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