Saturday, February 15, 2020

Bernie wins; Wall St. Pete Booed-off-stage

Jimmy Dore; Seth Meyers; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

It's amazing to catch military candidate Pete -- the new B.S. Obama -- lying, helped along by handlers in U.S. covert agencies. Overt DNC (Democratic National Convention) operatives manipulate election results to make sure Sen. Bernie (Independent, Vermont) doesn't get any momentum toward the nomination. Facebook Corporation has even stepped in to help. They're sinking Sanders, the people's choice, to help install a candidate groomed for the job like Obama was who will be easy to control.

Braindead Biden is out. Warren the former Republican is wilting. Tulsi Gabbard never gets mentioned even as she hangs in there. Klobuchar is a ridiculously hollow option even for a country in desperate need of a female president. Short (5'4'') multi-billionaire Bloomberg isn't going to be able to buy the election, nor is billionaire Tom "Campaign Ads" Steyer. Listen to the Feb. 13th episode of "The Jimmy Dore Show" to see why Wall Street Pete Buttigieg may be the worst candidate for anyone who wants change.

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