Wednesday, March 11, 2020

100 Benefits of Not Masturbating

Rob Norris (novice Ven. Bhante Rakkhita Samanera,, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

1. Clearer thinking
2. Better breathing
3. Smoother mood transitions
4. Sharper mental dexterity
5. Better articulation
6. Greater memory
7. Deal with stress more effectively
8. Increase energy levels
9. Reduce depression
10. Deeper interactions with others
11. Improve integrity
12. Boost confidence
13. Remove social anxiety
14. Better focus on task at hand
15. Enjoy simple pleasures more deeply
16. Increase faith in ability to control negative mental triggers
17. Remove risk of arrest and legal troubles
18. Increase joy
19. Renew self-respect
20. Gain free time
21. Need less sleep
22. Have more cash available
23. More interest in trying new things
24. Increase humility
25. Be able to ask others for help
26. Better partnership with dates and mates
27. Better ability to learn and remember
28. Travel free of paranoia through border checks
29. No worry about being found by somebody
30. Stop supporting organized crime
31. Have true bonds with friends
32. Better fitness level
33. Open new doors to spiritual world
34. Confidence to take on any task
35. Ability to start conversation free of insecurity
36. Get rid of paranoia
37. Increase motivation for self-improvement
38. Feel wholeness not reliant on external sources
39. Be free of enslaving need for porn
40. No need to feel guilt or embarrassment
41. Save time
42. Communicate more
43. Renew sensitivity
44. More energy than before
45. Deeper philosophical thinking
46. Have way more patience
47. Increase brainpower and mental endurance
48. Regain focus to finish one job before starting a new one
49. Wake up feeling more rested
50. Restore wit
51. Improve ability to relate
52. Regain job satisfaction
53. Stronger mental control over moods and thoughts
54. Better crisis management
55. Experience more frequent natural highs
56. Inspire other people
57. Develop healthy habits
58. Have a  sharper mental game
59. Increase muscle tone
60. Heighten your sense of humor
61. Have more love towards life
62. Better response to emotionally charged situations
63. Renew sense of being alive
64. Find it easier to get out of bed
65. Develop maturity and competent coping mechanisms
66. Always feel in control
67. Stronger sense of optimism
68. Better control of life skills like exercising
69. Improve quality of productive work
70. Be more present for family and friends
71. Have more agility and awareness
72. Free up worry about porn
73. End craving for something when bored or stressed
74. Better health and wellness
75. Reduce annoyance and anger
76. Communicate feelings better
77. Improve self-esteem dramatically
78. Be a more interesting person
79. Clearer memory
80. Have more laughs
81. Stop panic attacks
82. Feel more power and freedom
83. Enjoy better teamwork
84. Reduce constant anxiety
85. Reduce eye strain and need for drops
86. Reduce tissue and sock consumption
87. Enjoy making more things happen
88. Enjoy the sun and daylight
89. Enjoy observing other lives around
90. Better emotional health
91. Save emotional energy
92. Feel more intense emotions without being ruled by them
93. Have strength to keep going when the going gets tough
94. Enjoy keeping promises
95. Enjoy a more relaxed mental state
96. Improve courage
97. Reduce mental clutter
98. Increase trust
99. Enjoy more sharing
100. Have more success.

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