Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Meditation: Sundays on Zoom (video)

Heights I.T., March 21, 2020; Ananda, Jen (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly
I could see you on Zoom, but I forgot you could see me, too, so I went to the bathroom.

Dharma Buddhist Meditation, Sundays, 9:00-12:00 PM live from Los Angeles
I forgot could see me as I went to the toilet.
"Poor Jennifer!" It's nicer to meditate in a group than to work. But video conferencing can go wrong. Jen Miles had to use the bathroom on a Zoom conference call. She filmed herself as she pulled down her pants and went at it. Epic fail.
ZOOM MEDITATION: American Buddhist nun and bestselling author Pema Chodron is the core of Shambhala, so on Sundays we sit with the L.A. group.

What? Short sits of tranquility meditation. This alternates with a gong that signals mindful walking. At 11:00 am we read and discuss Pema's newest book, Welcoming the Unwelcome. Free/by donation. Beginners welcome. Instruction available. Drop in for any part of it, and leave whenever. RSVP.

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