Monday, April 13, 2020

Thabarwa Sayadaw COVID-19 talk (audio)

Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara Dhamma talk, Thabarwa Meditation Center, Thanlyin, Burma (Myanmar, April 2, 2020); Sayalay Aloka, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Zen-like philosophy of Ven. Ottamasara
Sayadaw Ottamathara (Ottamasara) of the Thabarwa Meditation Center outside of Rangoon, Burma (renamed "Yangon, Myanmar" by the military dictatorship of "Asia's Hitler," Gen. Than Shwe, and his junta's SLORC, which his PR firm renamed the SPDC when then U.S. Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton visited and made quiet backdoor deals, co-opting beloved Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and positioning her in the corrupt ruling party's parliament with its transparent veneer of its in-name-only democracy, assuming she would defeat Trump and ascend to the presidency) gives a Dharma talk to the international volunteers, many of them Westerners, concerning COVID-19.

We're scared of SARS-2! What sould we do?
This is an opportunity to work with the government and correct the issues at his massive meditation center in the town of Thanlyin. The ashin ("teacher") teaches that "good deeds" -- mindful charity, detachment (nonclinging), kindness, and seeing things as they naturally (Burmese thabarwa, Sanskrit svabhava) are -- are the keys to happiness and success in life and meditation, even in surviving the pandemic.

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