Monday, April 20, 2020

The Buddha Laughs: Zen and the Comic Spirit

Sasha's Reviews, 7/7/15 (; Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
REVIEW: The Buddha Laughs: Zen and the Comic Spirit by Rev. Dr. M. Conrad Hyers, Ph.D.*
8921530Zen and the Comic Spirit is OK. Hyers attempts to explain Zen humor might be well intended, but in the end the book lacks structure, consistency, and tries too much to find a Western equivalent to it all.

It blurs the line of Congdao/Soto and Linji/Rinzai Zen and is a bit too much in the line of Suzuki Zen to find a proper definition of what Zen humor entails.

It does have interesting and insightful bits and pieces, but as a whole it glosses over too many different concepts and presents it as a unit.

*ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Conrad Hyers was an American writer, lecturer, and ordained Presbyterian minister. He received his Ph.D. in theology and philosophy of religion from Princeton Theological Seminary. Before retiring he was a professor of religion at Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, Minnesota from 1977-1997.

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