Friday, April 10, 2020

We can't go out, so let's go in (Insight LA)

Trudy Goodman, Jack Kornfield (; Ananda, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

InsightLA (online offerings)
In response to COVID-19, all are welcome to this four-week class series with founding teacher Trudy Goodman.

Begin or sustain a meditation practice in a welcoming environment as we sit together in community. There will be a meditation with some guidance, followed by teaching and conversation. We need each other more than ever right now.

We will meet for four Thursdays from 6:00-7:15 pm -- March 26, April 9, April 16, and April 23 (skipping April 2). Receive the Zoom information after registering. Register

Practices to Steady the Heart with Trudy Goodman and Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman
Join InsightLA for shared practices -- powerful and caring ways to tend the body and steady the heart -- in this uncertain time.

We will connect with and support each other through guided meditations, teachings, and community conversations.

All of the revenue generated for this event will serve as a fundraiser for InsightLA so that we can continue to offer programs online and support caregivers on the front lines of this crisis.

Like many of us, InsightLA has become financially unstable as a result of closing our centers yet still needing to cover our rent while we shelter in place. With the loss of income from in-person events, the need for community support has amplified.

As a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is serving the needs of our community, we want to assure all that we will continue to do everything we can to offer accessible programming that is responsive to your needs through this ever-changing situation.

After registration, the Zoom link will be sent to join the class via video or by phone.
  • Saturday, April 4, 2020, 3:30-5:30 PM
InsightLA Community SURVEY

Online Programming: As we all come into these new and challenging times, InsightLA wants to support our community with online programming that is responsive and reflective of the spiritual community (sangha) members' needs.

We'd love input on what kind of teachings, topics, community spaces, and practices would resonate most during this period of uncertainty, social distancing, difficult emotions, and radically new ways of being.

We are here for you
With gratitude and metta,
The InsightLA office Team & Teachers

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