Saturday, May 30, 2020

LA martial law, Nat'l Guard, curfew (video)

NBC 4 News (national); (local); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

AR-15 armed militants are common OC cops
Martial law is a de facto condition not only an official de jure proclamation.

Parts of Los Angeles are now forcibly on lockdown with a curfew that extends to the media.

We are being coerced by a thousand military troops from the National Guard rushing in to join the FBI, CIA, SS, "Alphabet Agencies" (like the NSC, NSA, DHS, IRS, and other secret agents from LAPD's spying wing).

Who will be in control, the military or uniformed LAPD militants and surrounding departments they called on to help with mass arrests. That's martial law by any name.
A whimpering Mayor Eric Garcetti declared it in the weakest terms possible, pretending it was for the good of peaceful demonstrators. The abused weren't buying it.

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