Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Beautiful moments with police (video)

AFP; Koco McAboy (Fox 11 LA); Crystal Q., Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Chatsworth man speaks out after finding police after being attacked by looters
Koco McAboy (FOX 11 LA, 6/2/20, Death of George Floyd, Los Angeles)
CHATSWORTH (the Valley, L.A.), California - Jorge Games said he was attacked by looters in Van Nuys Monday afternoon left bleeding, then he found the police.

Games [who's wife is a former sergeant in the LA Sheriff's Dept.] said he was driving on Van Nuys and Sylvan in the Valley when he came across a group of looters. 

"All of the sudden some looters started crossing the street [in front of me] causing mayhem. I looked at them and I said, 'Hey, excuse me! Can you guys move?' And one of the looters exchanged words with me, and I said, 'Whatever.' They just turned their anger against my truck. They busted out all my windows, while I was inside my truck. I was going hysterical like, 'What are you guys doing?' I could not move," said Games.

Games said he could not drive out of the area because his vehicle was surrounded [and he would have been forced to run over some of them].

"They decided to get me out of my truck and take a two-by-four, pull me out, and all I remember was waking up on the floor unconscious. Somebody was getting me up saying, 'You gotta get up, you gotta get up, sir!" he said.

Macho: we're here to project and absurd.
He said he decided to drive out of the area and drove up to Van Nuys and Vanowen Street, where a group of LAPD officers were stationed.

"I asked the Los Angeles Police Department to please render some help, and they saw that I was bleeding. The officers looked at me and just waved me on saying, 'Get out of here.' I said, 'No, I'm not getting out of here. I need a rescue unit. I'm bleeding.'

What? Uh, we're busy. Get out of here.
"Not one officer out of those 30 officers came over to me and asked me if I was okay. Is this what it's come to for innocent people who are getting hurt out there and now can't depend on the police department to help them or assist them?" asked Games.

In that area of the Valley, a FOX 11 news crew was recording police abusing black citizens protecting a business from looters and saw Games in a disoriented state before he left. He drove himself to the hospital.

"I was there overnight. They wanted to keep me overnight, but I wanted to go home. I was so upset. I was so angry," he explained.

Games said he is disappointed with the LAPD, but he is a supporter of police because his wife was a sergeant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

Dr. Drew gets a new job at Fox 11 News LA
"We're law enforcement pro, and now it just puts a real sour taste in our mouth after this incident. They [LAPD] don't care. They proved it. And once you feel that, once it's happened to you, you will understand what the feeling is like, abandonment of safety," said Games.

On the bright side, Games said he is grateful to be alive after the incident.

"I'm very lucky that they didn't use that sledgehammer that they used on my truck on my head. I'm very lucky," he said.

The LAPD public information officer said the department is investigating any incidents of alleged police misconduct.

At least it would be but it is difficult to verify the account with[out] the badge numbers of the officers [which the disoriented Games should have memorized or written down with a description of each of the 30 officers who were derelict in their duties to protect him from looters, on the one hand, or to render assistance to a bleeding motorist with smashed windshields on the other].

Games set p a GoFundMe page to help with his medical bills and expenses to fix his truck after the attack. Source

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