Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Other officers charged in murder of Mr. Floyd

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Fox 11 News LA; Jimmy Dore; Wiki entry on George Floyd killing
One thing is certain, if all four officers are not charged, tried and convicted, trouble is sure.
Killer cops Tou Thao (left), Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng (WCCO 4)
Abusive 10-year veteran Officer Tou Thao
Fox 11 News Los Angeles is reporting that an announcement is imminent: The three additional murderers of George Floyd, 46 -- Officer Derek Michael Chauvin, 44 (18 previous complaints of abuse), his partner Officer Tou Thao, 34 (6 previous complaints of abuse), Officer Thomas K. Lane, 37, and Officer J. Alexander Kueng, 26, all of whom were licensed as law enforcement officers in Minneapolis (the latter two with no prior complaints on record).

Officer Thao stood by complicit in this murder, watching and keeping those trying to intervene at bay. Citizens were attempting to intervene and save Floyd's life. See TMZ video with audio for evidence of that. The officers joked as they killed Floyd.

The other three used knees to pin and torture Floyd, resulting in his death, as video from behind shows. The video from the front only shows Officer Chauvin strangulating and asphyxiating Mr. Floyd.

The jester sees what king's court does not?
But video from another angle by a named woman coming up from behind them from the street clearly shows all three engaged in the crime, which given their statements of concern that it was causing greater harm to pin him in this way, seems to amount to murder in the first degree.

Officer Derek Chauvin wearing his racist cap.
Their voiced concerns were brushed aside by the ringleader, Officer Chauvin, who ordered them to continue until well after Mr. Floyd was dead and paramedics had arrived. One of the perpetrators had even checked for a pulse, and finding none and feeling no movement of the corpse, continued to knee him using the weights of their bodies.

It's murder whether or not their friend in the District Attorney's office chooses to charge them or not. See Wiki for evolving details.

A cowardly Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti resorts to more police violence to fight LA.

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