Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cashing in on human suffering (comedy)

Jimmy Dore and Stef (; Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Blame? "It's not our fault. It's nature!"
What is the world coming to? Americans in North America keep making money because disaster capitalism is profitable, whatever the price. Our one-party system, the Money Rules Party, assures it. The Democrats have become as bad as the Republicans, so there's no actual opposition party. There is no protest party. There is no political organization to advocate for We The People or for us to support.

She's only pretending to sleep
We've been greenwashed. That is to say, we've been given the illusion of an alternative, like when we think we're recycling by buying corporate plastic when it shows a tree on the label. We're led to think we're saving the environment when we are ruining it by our purchase. Look it up. What does it mean to "fight the power" when Tweedle-dee is just like Tweedle-dumb? Think for yourself. Who else has there ever been to think for us?

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