Thursday, August 6, 2020

Prosecute Killer Cops (website); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, S. Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Southern lynchings had their Red Record.
This is the contemporary Red Record, inspired by the work of the powerful Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Like the Red Record of 1895, this website ( has been built to expose police who murder.

Data spans from January 2013 to the present, covering the time ineffectual Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey has been in office failing to prosecute any killer cop.

The number of police-murders in L.A. County is the highest of any place in the nation. But Lacey has refused to so much as charge -- much less actually prosecute -- officers in all but one case.

Why do good people hate bad cops?
Most of these killer cops still work in law enforcement; a number of them have killed more than once. These murders are dangerous and regularly target Black and Brown people and others.

Families of victims whose lives have been stolen are routinely sidelined by public officials. Standing in solidarity with these families, demand justice, transparency, and action.

We'd be glad to kill you, old man. Die!
This website is an effort to expose police who murder and demand that they be held accountable, beginning with prosecutions and building toward a reimagined systems of public safety. See the identity of 679 killer cops.
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