Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Buddha and the Animals (video)

Dharma Voices for Animals documentary, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The first precept, in the Buddhist teaching, is to refrain from taking the life of any living being.

(Dharma Voices for Animals) Enjoyed the film? Join DVA (dharmavoicesforanimals.org). Membership is free, and every voice makes existing voices stronger.

In keeping with a tradition of the Buddha's teachings, or the Dharma, called dana (sharing, letting go, donating, giving, supporting, liberality, the practice of generosity), this film is offered completely free of charge. To support this work, please consider a donation.

This powerful and important documentary features interviews with world-renowned Buddhist monastics and lay teachers including American Bhikkhu Bodhi, Jetsuma (Venerable Master) Tenzin Palmo, Ven. Gunaratana ("Bhante G"), Christopher Titmuss, Ven. Geshe Phelgye, teachers from Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and many others.
  • Subtitles in Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, German, Sinhalese, Portuguese, Burmese, Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian: click gearwheel (settings), then subtitles, then language.

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