Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trump DEAD at 72 after severe illness

Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; AP via

Stop going to Pedophile Island, brother. Distance yourself from Epstein. - Way ahead of you, bro. - And don't talk to Ghislaine Maxwell, Dershowitz, or the FBI. - Why would I talk to Dershowitz, Bob?
I'm the sick one, yet Bobby's dead. Go figure.
Don't throw yourselves on the pyre just yet, Republican ladies. It was not your beloved Fearless Leader nor was it Junior, the other one, the Freds (already dead), or Baron but Bobby Trump (RIP), 71 or 72, the invisible brother or, as one might call him, the "handsome one." The shy brother became seriously ill. It seems as if The Don hardly knew him, but in fact he had Robert working in a back room counting gambling and real estate money.

Trump: Handsome Robert and pasty Donny
It's a fecund family, and horny 45 has his wandering eye on Ivanka, but she has a sister, Tiffany, no one's heard of. Who or what else will the current New York district attorney turn up in his latest lawsuit demanding to see the irregular tax filings of the Trump family? It's a corrupt organization and, oh, how the country will laugh to see how little money Don John had while claiming to be a billionaire boy.
Screwing Uncle Donald
My uncle's a big ***hole, let me tell you.
Dead Bobby Trump, one of the president's four siblings, recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Trump family to stop publication of a tell-all book by Uncle Don’s niece Mary titled Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man.

Why do women, even his relatives, hate Trump?
The most dangerous man has said his niece Dr. Mary Trump’s book is a violation of a nondisclosure agreement she signed after being paid off.

Mary is the daughter of Donny’s eldest sibling, Freddy Trump Jr., who died of alcoholism in 1981 at the age of 43. She describes Pres. Trump as a cruel bully, a consummate cheater, and a sociopath, shaped by his emotionally-abusive father, Freddy Trump Sr. No Trump came to see Freddy Jr. in the hospital on the night he died. Donald went to the movies that night with a sibling instead. More

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