Thursday, November 19, 2020

Buddhist stupa in Sedona, Arizona (video)

Our Journey in Myles, Ep. 39, Dec. 23, 2018, Xochitl, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Sacred Buddhist reliquary and Peace Park
The Native American medicine wheel on sacred land in Sedona, Arizona is amazing. Sedona is well known for its energy vortices, but Mark and I explored another place that was just as powerful. Thanks to James A. for pointing out the Buddha Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park. It's lovely when viewers suggest a fantastic place to see for everyone to experience. The stupais a Buddhist shrine and a "must see" for spiritual seekers coming to Sedona from around the world. A smaller adjacent Goddess Tara stupa is a place for powerful meditation, prayer, intention setting, and healing. Communing with the gorgeous pine trees and colorful stones, nestled among the mountains and gorge related to the world-famous Grand Canyon to the north, this place is absolutely peaceful. Being together with people of like minds while here is a powerful and transforming experience all by itself. The stupa or reliquary is located in West Sedona in the Peace Park. It is terminus of a dedicated road in a neighborhood that borders one of the mountain ranges.

OJiM (Our Journey in Myles) is a channel for fun, exploring, and sharing the wonders of full-time RV travel. Sue and Jim are not experts but are learning as they go. They are sharing their newbie experiences in a Class A motorhome they have named “Myles" and encourage everyone to do their own research, develop their own special style, and become a traveller or 5th wheel. Each journey begins by learning from many RV vloggers.

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