Friday, November 13, 2020

Deep Healing Energy: 528Hz Music (video)

Spirit Tribe Awakening, June 10, 2020; Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Healing Meditation: Soothing Zen
Deep Healing Energy, 528Hz Miracle Music, Self Love Healing Meditation, Soothing Zen. Peaceful, empowering, soothing music in nature to nurture mind, body, and spirit. Here's support for life's journey. MP3 download This music is tuned to 528Hz (hertz) and contains the 639Hz Solfeggio frequency that have a specific healing effect on the subconscious mind.
Download this music FREE or literally choose the amount to give for it. Find Spirit Tribe Awakening on iTunes. This song is entitled "Soothing Peace and Ease" available on the album... More

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