Monday, November 16, 2020

"F Authority" say LA's Wasted Youth (punk)

There once was an American hardcore punk rock band from Los Angeles named Wasted Youth. That was straightforward punk rock, catchy as all out, and authentic. Then Danny Scranny Spira left away and who knows what became of the original lineup. For one glorious moment there they had Reagan's In, an recording of epic proportions. One is reminded of Maryland's Void on the East Coast for grittiness.

We can live our own lives. F authority!
What is wrong we'll decide. F authority!
You need not to fight. F authority!
Stand up for your rights. F authority!

Officials give us too much sh*t
No longer can I deal with it
They try and push and shove me around
They try and knock me to the ground

They tell me how to act and what not to wear
They say be polite and do not swear. F authority!
Do it just your own way. F authority!
Don't listen to what they say. F authority!

What gives them the right? F authority!
This is America, man. F authority!
Life is laughing in my face
I am sick of the human race

Getting knocked all about
Makes me wanna scream and shout
Don't we live in the land of the free?
Give me death or liberty

F authority!
This is America, man. F authority!
We can live our own lives. F authority!
Stand up for your rights. F authority!

F authority! F authority! Fuck authority now!

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