Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Happy Veterans Day, Killer (video)

Ruptly on hypocrisy; The Sun; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Veterans Day parade/Anti-Trump protests
( The annual Veterans Day Parade takes place in New York unless it's not important enough. Some demonstrators dislike Pres. Trump and were present on the sidelines, holding signs calling for his impeachment and expulsion. Other attendees, like Linda Graham, praised Trump, who kicked off the parade with a speech: "He [Trump] supports the veterans, we love him, he is making America great, and he is going to keep America great." This year was the 101th annual Veterans Day Parade in New York. Video on Demand: Contact:

Veteran at flag burning Trump protest
(The Sun) An American flag was set on fire as a protest against U.S. Pres. Trump's "Salute to America" military parade. Police were able to quickly put out the flames using a fire extinguisher. Suspects were then identified and dragged away from the scene. Activists from the Revolutionary Communist Party reportedly organized a Fourth of July demonstration flag burning. Trump's event assembled thousands of troops at a Lincoln Memorial draped in the national colors to hear the first such speech by a president since 1951. Armored carriers and tanks were also part of the spectacle. Residents were told "Don’t panic."

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