Thursday, November 12, 2020

Rules former presidents have to follow (video)

Asher Cantrell, Grunge, updated 10/28/20; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

WTF? I didn't agree to that! Oh, but you did.
Just because you were once the titular "commander-in-chief," that doesn't mean you can now do whatever you want. Even in office, it's mostly ceremonial pretending you rule by fiat. In fact, then as now there's hardly anything you can do.

From driving cars to using cell phones, these are the rules former presidents like Trump have to follow. One of the greatest perks of being president is not having to deal with traffic every day. For one thing, you're forced to have drivers take you anywhere the deciders decide you need to go.

This job f'n sucks! - I told you so, Son.
And for another, the secret police known as the Secret Service all around you will block off traffic to call attention to where you are at any moment in case they want to let you be attacked. Your security detail is also your insecurity detail, after all. Just ask JFK.

It's no fun for anyone on the road but, hey, you were president, so shut the front door and smile for the nice cameramen. Who do you think they work for, TMZ?

You have important things to do, like forget what you learned about not wielding power while appearing to. There are lots of downsides to the job. That much you've gathered.

Once a president's term is over, he (it's only ever been males) can NEVER drive a car on an open road again. The reason is because that's the detail. There will be a lifetime of secret police details swarming all around your every move. Ask Ex-President Clinton.

One of the least safe places is on the road, and that's just under normal circumstances. Don't stand by windows either. You never know who's aiming a high-powered NRA-machine.

Add in that ex-presidents are always a target, and things get even hairier. So to ensure their silence and "safety," they're not about to be allowed to hit the road or to walk around like normal folks.

As Al Gore George W. Bush explained to Jay Leno, he's only allowed to drive on a ranch, his own private property, far from any other drivers or people who wish to harm him. He must allow Secret Service agents to drive him.

"Why?" he asks. Because they're trained in "evasive and defensive driving maneuvers," they answer. He knows better than to believe that, but what can he do? He doesn't get a choice.

See, I told you. White House is a federal prison.
The rule was instituted after the government helped assassinate Pres. John F. Kennedy in 1963. Replacement Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson was, to date, the last president to drive on public roads.

Watch this sad video for more rules former presidents have to follow. How does that feel, POTUS? Too bad. Full article:

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