Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Science: Eat chili peppers for longevity?

Eric Todisco (People via; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

On Monday, the American Heart Association released a statement detailing the preliminary results from a recent study regarding chili pepper's impact on health. The findings are set to be presented at the upcoming Scientific Sessions 2020 virtual conference.

According to the AHA, preliminary research suggests that frequent chili pepper consumers can live longer due to the food having an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer and blood-glucose regulating effect.

Prior to reaching this conclusion, researchers reviewed 4,728 studies related to chili peppers and 570,000 health records of people from the U.S., China, Italy and Iran and compared those who consumed chili pepper to those who rarely or never ate chili pepper. More

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