Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Survival Skills Class (Dec. 12)

Study with nature author Christopher Nyerges (The School of Self-Reliance). This program will approximate the skills taught in the all-day "Survival Skills" class in the local Los Angeles forest. Topics covered:
  • Primitive and modern methods to make fire,
  • building emergency shelters,
  • making soap from plants,
  • finding and purifying water,
  • identifying and eating wild foods,
  • and more.
How to Survive Anywhere -- the book
This class qualifies as part of the Weekend Warrior Certification Series. Join this 2-hour Zoom class with optional social time and discussion afterwards. Pay by Paypal to To join, email stating intention to join, and you will be sent a link. Cost: $25 seniors and students; $45 others; and scholarships are available.

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