Saturday, November 7, 2020

Trump LOSES; future Pres. Harris laughs (video)

Doug Emhoff set to become 1st second gent
You haven't seen the last of me, Amerikkka! Now I cry, next I... you'll see (Daily Beast)

Jimmy Dore explains what's really going on as the U.S. watches Pennsylvania as the end of the presidential election nears. It's Nov. 7, 2020 and now we know that TRUMP LOST because he's a losing LOSER who loses. He cheats, too, and still loses.

"Elect a clown, expect a circus" is the slogan we've been living by for the last four years. But it was never Trump. He was merely a symptom of the problem. So nothing has been cured. All that's happened is that an annoying racist has been taken off the front page and every media channel wanting hits. Move over Orange, senile and corrupt Biden will return us to "business as usual."

Don't watch CBS This Morning is the truth is desired, as it only puts viewers to sleep: Former Vice President Joe R. Biden is just 17 electoral college votes away from the presidency, leading President Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

[This just in! The AP or Associated Press is calling Pennsylvania for Biden/Harris. Trump is washed up, unless he steps down and forces VP Mike Pence to pardon him for all pending federal charges. He will still have to answer state charges in New York and elsewhere. Na-na-na, the wicked witchman of West Palm Beach is DOA!]

However, the vote count continues with no final conclusion to the race. Ed O’Keefe joins “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to discuss the state of the election.

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