Monday, December 21, 2020

Astrology: The Great Conjunction (video)

The Great Conjunction is a rare and special astrological event that happens every 20 years or so. It involves the meeting of Jupiter and Saturn at the same degree of the zodiac.

For the last 200 years, the Great Conjunction has occurred almost always in earth signs, but now, on December 21st, 2020, both Jupiter and Saturn will align in the air sign of Aquarius.

As Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius, it is going to kickstart a new era. It is also going to usher us deeper into the Age of Aquarius.

Hippies from the musical "Hair," which inspired the "40 Year Old Virgin"

I'm not arguing. I'm an intuitive, and I am right.
There is much debate on when the Age of Aquarius actually begins. Some astrologers believe it has already started; others believe we are still hundreds of years from it. 

Regardless of when the Age of Aquarius officially begins, it seems that this Great Conjunction falling in Aquarius is a sign that we are about to see many Age of Aquarius themes unfold.

It is believed that the Jupiter-Saturn alignment will color and shape the decades to come. 

For the last 200 years, as Jupiter and Saturn have been coming together in earth signs, they have shaped and defined the world we currently live in. 

Earth energy is very tangible. It is all about building things, creating foundations, using the resources of the Earth, and focusing on material possessions.

Author: Tanazz Chubb
Under Earth energy we have achieved a lot, but the time has come for a shift back into balance. We need to move away from material possessions, from [corporations] robbing the Earth of its resources, and away from creating the tangible to manifesting the intangible.

And that is where the air energy of Aquarius comes into play. Aquarius energy is revolutionary... More
  • Don't be square, grow some Hair!
    *A "great conjunction" is a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, when the two planets appear closest together in the sky. Great conjunctions, named "great" for being the rarest and one of the brightest and closest on average of the conjunctions between "naked eye" planets (not counting the rarer conjunctions involving the ice giants that were too dim to be discovered until after the invention of the telescope), occur approximately every 20 years when Jupiter "overtakes" Saturn in its orbit.
  • Tanaaz Chubb is the creator of She is an intuitive astrologer who aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is the author of several books including The Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.
Tanazz wants you to be forever conscious

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