Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Earth's anomalies with Mary A. Joyce (audio)

Researcher and author Mary A. Joyce is the editor of the website Sky Ships Over Cashiers, which features unusual and cutting edge topics.

She directs audiences to Google Earth so ordinary people can "become detectives" to find and examine anomalies like she does -- such as underwater structures off the California coast near Malibu.

According to her analysis, one undersea form is "about 2 1/2 miles across" and has "pillars that are 600 feet tall." She has found three other gigantic underwater structures near California, which she suspects are remnants of "ancient civilizations like Lemuria" (Mu).

Hold on, Honey. This'll blow your mind.
She has also studied details of the surface of Mars using Google and found what she says are numerous "giant entrances" that lead to subterranean cities. She notes that even NASA has noticed these anomalies and called them "prime targets for spacecraft and future human explorers."

Looking at our very own Antarctica, she has also discovered what she thinks may be entrances to underground spaces, caverns, and possible military facilities built by Germany.

She reveals that, mysteriously, often within a day of posting these artificial features, she finds that they are blurred by Google Earth or other workers who have "messed it up so people can't see it."

Closer to her home state of North Carolina, Mary A. Joyce has researched what she refers to as the "Cherokee Little People," a race of very real diminutive Native Americans who left ample evidence of their presence.

For example, she cites apparent tunnel complexes that are "square cut with a round top," which were uncovered by University of North Carolina construction workers in the years after WW II.

She also mentions research into Sasquatch or Bigfoot, which she has found "are not just monsters." She regards these natural creatures as "distant cousins of [modern] humans." AUDIO

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