Saturday, December 5, 2020

How I became a Buddhist monk in Asia

Anonymous US monk, via Shwe Lan Ga Lay, Sayalay Aloka, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
It's a monk's life in Burma. Young novices chat up some pretty girls (The InsideAsia blog)

Rupert Arrowsmith's transformation (CNN)
When I arrived in Burma (now Myanmar), I had no specific plans to cultivate Dhamma [the Buddha's Teaching or Dharma]. I didn’t even know what the word meant! Although Buddhism had long piqued my curiosity, I wasn’t yet even a beginner when I arrived.

Nonetheless, soon after I learned about the unique possibility, I decided to dive into the deep end and get ordained as a monk, if only for one week. For some reason, the opportunity just called to me.

Outdoor showers in rural Asia (Alamy)
Rural Burmese monastic life is a far cry different from California layperson city life. Though I was completely willing to understand and learn this different way of life, it doesn’t just come overnight.

One of the puzzles for me was bathing. Though I had read about outdoor bathing practices, I still wasn’t sure. What I should wear or take off? Where and how discreetly should I scrub? Is it okay to do this all with others, especially laypeople, around? Should I wait for privacy? It didn’t help that I was the only monk in the monastery aside from the Sayadaw! So I didn’t get to look to anyone for an example.

I did the best I could for the first few days, deciding to clean more private areas in the confines of the restroom and the less sensitive areas outdoors. Even if less than ideal, this worked for me, and I felt clean.

But on Day 4, curious if I was missing something, I asked the Sayadaw if this was an okay way to do things. “Oh, I forgot,” he exclaimed, “that you’re a Westerner and you shower indoors!” I assured him that I was okay with bathing outdoors, and that I simply wanted to make sure I didn’t offend, but he still seemed distressed.

The next morning, a truck full of concrete, bricks, and other building materials pulled in the driveway. A team of volunteer construction workers filed in from the neighboring town and began excavating to lay down a foundation. The Sayadaw himself directed the team with a tape measure and a level. They were building a bathroom.

Of all the hospitality I’ve ever experienced in my life, this gesture stands unrivaled. And as a friend who has spent several years in the country put it laughingly: “Yeah, that’s the kind of thing that happens in Burma.”

How magical and impactful to be invited — as an outsider and a beginner — so warmly into this culture of support and generosity!"

Practice is a rest from the defilements
A Yogi’s Notes (Insight Meditation Society retreat 2012, Q&A Gp B#1, 1:45:51-1:49:48)
I need a rest from lustful eyes.
: We can bring awareness to whatever we do whether on the meditation cushion or at play. It doesn’t have to be separate from any aspect of life nor so effortful that we need to take breaks from the practice. The [mindful] awareness can be with me at all times; I can even take a break with awareness.

SUT: You are right! You don’t need to rest because practicing is already resting from the defilements (kilesas and asavas).

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