Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Black female POV (funny Amber Ruffin Show)

Stop saying, “This isn’t who we are”
(Peacock, Jan. 8, 2021) The Amber Ruffin Show: Week In Review. Like most Americans, Amber Ruffin was glued to the news this week watching that insane series of events unfold. A mob of Trump-supporting domestic terrorists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in an effort to overturn a "fair and legal" election and subvert democracy. It has honestly been a lot to take in, and Ruffin’s personal feelings have ranged from rage to devastation to embarrassment.
Peacock claims it's going to do its best to talk about it tonight, and to process it, and then they’re gonna push it aside and try to have some fun. Sound good?

Synopsis: Amber Ruffin showcases her signature smart-and-silly take on the news of the week, responding to it all with a charming, late night mix of seriousness, nonsense, and evening gowns.

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