Sunday, January 31, 2021

Contemplative photography as meditation

Militant Elvis Presley (center) and his and religious musical parents (

(The Miksang Institute for Contemplative Photography) "Quiet Mind: Introduction to Miksang and Contemplative Photography."

Marilyn Monroe objectified by a nation
What's needed? The would-be student needs an open mind and an open heart able to provide for itself and others. Miksang is a Tibetan word for a way of looking that literally means "good eye."

How are we currently looking at things -- as a fantasy sold to us or as the reality with a dark underbelly we would rather not think about?

JFK and RFK had sexual affairs with Marilyn Monroe. The U.S. government spied on them. They revealed sensitive information, so the US assassinated all three. That's how the secret police (CIA, SS, FBI, NSA, NSC, DHS, etc.) works. Here the Kennedys are shown in the good old days (Archives).

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