Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Dr. Hanson: "Neuro Dharma of Love" (video)

Neuroscience meets the Buddha: Brain Hacks for Happiness!
(Inspire Nation, 7/2/20) Get set for some “Neuro Dharma” with Dr. Rick Hanson. If anyone’s ever wanted more happiness during these exceptionally trying times, then Host Michael Sandler's got a show for those folks.

The Neurodharma of Love: Rewire Your Brain
Today we’re talking to neuroscientist and Buddhist author Dr. Rick Hanson. He's a neuro-psychologist, a brain expert, and the best-selling author of Hardwiring Happiness, Just One Thing, The Buddha’s Brain, Resilient, and his latest incredibly peaceful and enlightening book, NeurodharmaDr. Hanson talks about new science and ancient wisdom, and Buddhist practices for the highest happiness during these interesting times.

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