Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thai and HK activists fight for freedom (video)

Milk Tea Alliance: Thai and Hong Kong activists on fight for democracy
In recent months, Buddhist Thailand has seen waves of youth-led protests looking very much like the ones seen in Hong Kong in 2019.

From hand signals to flashmobs, Thai pro-democracy [anti-military, anti-monarchy, anti-corruption] activists are deploying tactics learned from Hong Kong demonstrations.

Meanwhile, Hong Kongers are organizing online campaigns to support and boost awareness of the Thai protests.

They are part of a unique Asian youth movement called the Milk Tea Alliance, which also includes Taiwanese supporters.

Two prominent protesters -- Joshua Wong from Hong Kong and Akkarasorn Opilan from Thailand -- tell the BBC how both sides are helping each other and what this generation of Asian youth activists hopes to achieve.

Video by Tessa Wong. Additional footage by Nik Millard. Published Nov. 8 2020. Section BBC News, subsection Asia.

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