Friday, January 22, 2021

What I like about lying Joe Biden (video)

Jimmy Dore (; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

I don't like change. That's just me, but I don't like change. So it's so cool and a relief that Pres. Joe Biden is so much like outgoing Pres. Don Trump.

He's got the same sort of sex crime record with women, and he lies and he lies, and he lies. There's the plagiarism of speeches, the braggadocios claims, untrue claims. It's like when Woody Allen as Alvy Singer (Annie Hall) said, "Right, I'm a bigot, but for the Left."

Biden's no more the Left than anyone on mainstream TV. Today's liberal progressives are about as leftwing as moderate Hillary Clinton supporters, which means nearly not at all.

(Annie Hall) "Right, I'm a bigot, but for the Left" jokes liberal comedian.

I'll do anything for Republicans.
Senator Bernie Sanders was Left in what he said and promised, never in what he did. Dennis Kucinich and a handful of people in The Swamp ever actually advocate for peace, compassionate social programs, diversity, equality, gender equity, and American ideals of fairness and merit and "majority rules/minority rights." It's as if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. could not have been more right than when he said, "My nation is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world," with Pres. Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam "surge," the Presidents Bush (and Cheney's) preemptive wars, Pres. B.S. Obama's endless hypocrisy saying all the right things and doing all the wrong ones (deportations, NDAA, indefinite detentions of innocent citizens, spying, drone attack terrorism, political executions and assassinations, Guantanamo Bay protecting, not going after any of his criminal predecessors like Bush and Cheney, mass surveillance, frequent lying, endless BSing, great oration with empty promises).

It's all too much. So it's a good thing, a great thing, that Joe Biden is a sociopathic LIAR, and that VP Kamala Harris (hooray for women!) is a self-proclaimed "top cop" prosecutor bereft of compassion for  the little people she turned her back on district attorney. We've only changed the window dressing because the new White House is as full of it as ever.

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