Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Enlightened Buddhist nun on Power of Mind

The Power of Mind
(Sayalay Susila, 12/17/16) The Power of MindDharma talk by Abbess Sayalay Susila of Appamada Vihari Buddhist Temple, Malaysia, delivered at the Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre, Singapore on December 17, 2016.

You think you can tell who is and who isn't an enlightened (aryan) disciple, one of the "Noble Ones" (anyone along the stages of enlightenment beginning with stream-entry. But you can not. Take our word if ever we credit someone in that way. To decide for yourself, first learn what it means and does not mean to be enlightened to at least the first degree or sotapanna. Such beings will not say so, but sometimes we will. We would have to be very sure before we ever said so and have only made the claim for about 21 beings in the decades since the inception of Wisdom Quarterly.

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