Saturday, March 20, 2021

What's wrong with Joe Biden?

Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; Mike Mac Rae, Jimmy Dore
Can "Jan.-Dec." relationships\ work? With my granddaughter? How about if I'm president?
If one ever glances at right-leaning aggregate websites like or (even left-leaning, one gets a creepier view of Biden than the MSM presents.

Dems know it, but it must be much nicer never to think about Biden in detail.

Dems on our side? - They're on their side.
When he flubs a line on the teleprompter, it's like watching a bad show about a decrepit robot leading us down a bad way. Who's pulling his strings?

The least we deserve is a good public speaker with wit intact. The deciders and machines that elect presidents should know that. How long until Pres. Kam replaces him?

Jimmy Dore talks to Joe:

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