Monday, March 1, 2021

National Plan a Solo Trip Day (March 1st)

"I was forced to wander, having no one, forced by my nature to keep wandering because wandering was the only thing that I believed in and the only thing that believed in me."
- Eli Broad

The Dharma is now in the USA.
When people think of a vacation, they often think of travelling with friends and families to predetermined locations and experiencing all the popular sites.

While these kinds of vacations can be exciting and a great way to spend a week or two, the solo traveler is exploring something far greater than the tourists traps and sights they pass by.

March 1 is National Plan a Solo Vacation Day.
The solo traveler is exploring him or herself in the solitude and openness of the road. Plan a Solo Vacation Day encourages us to get out and explore the world on our own and the self we find within it.

History of Plan A Solo Vacation Day
I'm tired of the grind! I need out of the Matrix!
Ready to get into the world and out of your head? Explore the self you are when no one you know is watching?

If you’re single and unattached, this is an easy decision to make. You have no one to explain yourself to and no one waiting for you to get back home. Does it sound lonely?

Then "Plan A Solo Vacation Day" is for you. We’re so connected these days that we forget we have to live in our head. Too often we try to drown out our inner-self with social media and music and TV and other noise.

Getting out into the world on our own is a great opportunity to break this maddening cycle to find out who we really are. But how?
How to celebrate Plan A Solo Vacation Day
Forget his story. It's time to think about making her story, March 2021.
It’s simple enough, and if anyone is a little nervous then start with some place that's familiar. Regularly travel with other people to their destination? Have any favorites or curiosities of your own? Start with one of those places.

Travel on your own to experience a location through solo eyes. Wherever you end up deciding to go, begin to plan out your destination while researching it. But don’t get caught up in the details. Just go, if that's your personality. Probably most of us are over-planners.

There’s always a danger of researching and planning and never following through with it -- paralysis by analysis. Start a trip with someplace quiet and safe, and keep going.

Bed and Breakfasts are a great start. There are hundreds of them in every climate and destination, from distant mountains to ocean shores. More

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